Are you prepared?

(Note this post was re-written from a few months ago when both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson died in the same week)

Thursday was a difficult day in the world of celebrity news. But it is also a good view on what happens when we either are, or are not, prepared for end-of-life events.

On the prepared side, we all heard about the death of Farrah Fawcett. Since she had cancer and knew it was terminal, there were plans already in place so that the TV specials and news items that documented her life were all ready to go. Things seemed to go more smoothly for those that needed to act.

On the un-prepared side, we also all heard about the death of Michael Jackson. However, in Michael Jackson’s case, nobody thought that he would die so soon. The family was not prepared for his passing and the news media was not prepared to present the TV specials that would document his life.

Being prepared does not make a death more or less tragic. The loss of a loved one is always tragic.

But if you have prepared in advance, it can make things much easier on those that are left behind.

Even if we aren’t movie-stars, our passing will have a huge impact on our family and friends. I think we owe it to them to be as prepared as possible.

If you’d like to discuss what you can do to help your family become prepared for your inevitable passing, call our office to schedule an estate planning session.

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