I get this question a lot.
People call and ask if they can get divorced in three days (I guess there are places where that can happen, but it is NOT in Virginia!).
A quick, easy, painless divorce in Virginia is almost impossible, but you can help things move more quickly if you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse can agree on things. Even with a ’simple’ no-property, no children and non-contested divorce, the courts will require a separation of at least six months. Why? Because the Commonwealth of Virginia thinks that marriage is a very serious commitment and leaving a marriage is a very serious decision.
Another question I get is whether or not a ‘better’ attorney can make things go faster? The answer is ‘not really’.
There are certain procedures that must be followed, and some of these take time. There might be a way to reduce this time if possible, but that really takes a lot of agreement between the parties. And if the parties could agree with each other, the chances are that they wouldn’t be in the process of needing (or wanting) a divorce!
I’ve also found that ‘non contested’ divorces have a way of turning into ‘contested’ situations. Which means that the ’simple’ case often turns into a more complex case as things progress.
I’ve heard of divorce cases that dragged on for 10 years, although this is definitely NOT the norm!
So, how long does it take to get divorced? I’d plan on a minimum of six months from the date you make the decision to the date of the final decree. And that’s if things all go as well as they can.
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Tags: Divorce, Family Law, non-contested, Virginia