Archive for January, 2010

Are you, or a loved one, seriously ill?

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

When your doctor gives you a diagnosis of a serious, even terminal, illness you suddenly realize that there are a lot of things that need to be done. But where to start?

The American Bar Association has prepared an ebook Legal Guide for the Seriously Ill.

This book looks at 7 key topics giving you tips and resource links that will help you plan.

I hope you don’t need this information. But it’s nice to know it’s there if you do.

Don’t drink and drive….ANYTHING!

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

This recent post by Andrew Flusche points out that you can get ticket for DUI if you are driving anything on the streets and you have been drinking.

Here in Hampton Roads, where there we have lots of water and lots of boats, we find a number of people each year that get arrested for DUI when drinking and then driving a boat or jet ski.

To expand on Andrew’s advice….if you are going to drink….don’t drive ANYTHING!

A new year!

Friday, January 1st, 2010

Welcome to 2010!

I love the start of a New Year! It’s a time to reflect on the events of the past year and to make plans for what is coming up in the new year. It is also a time to make our resolutions.

One of my resolutions is to review my own estate plan to make sure that it still fits my needs.

There have been some changes to the makeup of our family during the past year, and the addition of another pet. I want to make sure that these changes will be handled correctly in my estate plan. And I want to revisit my General Durable Power of Attorney and Advance Medical Directive to see if they need to be changed.

An estate plan is not a ‘do it once and put it away’ type of thing. It should be reviewed regularly. Think of it as an annual checkup - only for you estate plan and not your health.

That’s why our January Special is a complete review of your current estate plan for only $100!

Call the office today to schedule your estate plan checkup! We can be reached at 757-234-4650.

I hope you all have a Wonderful New Year!