Archive for July, 2013

Estate Planning for the Blended Family

Friday, July 19th, 2013

It used to be that people would use a ‘family tree’ to describe their familial relationships. Today, it is more like a ‘family bush’.

Children are born without the benefit of the parents being married, people are married-divorced-remarried and the traditional family that is the basis of most state’s default estate distribution statutes just doesn’t handle these situations appropriately.

Who should inherit when a person dies? Is it the children of that person? The current spouse? What about the children of the spouse that the step-parent raised for most of their life?

What would happen to your estate if your spouse remarries and has other children after your death? Or possibly your spouse gets remarried and then divorced? Would the estate that you worked so hard to establish become the property of your spouse’s new ex?

These are confusing questions, but they are not unsolvable. In order to handle these cases appropriately, you should have the benefit of an estate plan developed by a legal professional that knows how to make sure that your wishes are followed.

We are having a free, public, informational seminar on Saturday, August 17, 2024 in the meeting room of the Tabb Library located at 100 Long Green Blvd. in Yorktown (across from the YMCA). The Seminar is scheduled from 10:30 to 11:30 and we will be discussing these issues and how they might be addressed.

Please join us for this informational seminar.

If you are unable to attend this particular seminar, check out our seminar page to see if there is another seminar or time that fits better with your schedule.

If you have questions about this or any other legal topic, please feel free to contact us at 757-234-4650 or visit our website at

Last Will and Testament

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

Historically, a “Will” was used to distribute real estate after someone died and a “Testament” was used to dispose of personal property. Today those instructions are combined into a single document, called a “Last Will and Testament.”

To learn more about estate planning, or if you have any questions about this or any other legal subject, please feel free to give us a call at 757-234-4650 or visit our website at

And check out our new Estate Planning Trivia page!

Happy Birthday To Us!

Saturday, July 6th, 2013

I took the Virginia Bar Exam in February of 2008 and found out in April that I had passed. That meant that my plan to spend the next year studying for the exam had to be revised, and I looked for a job.

I gave myself until July 4th to find a job and nobody wanted to hire me.

So, I decided that instead of just being ready to help other people start their own small businesses, I could hang out my shingle and start a business myself. I couldn’t really think of a name, so I decided on Kristina Beavers, Attorney at Law as something simple and easy to remember (for me anyway).

Now, 5 years later, I have expanded from just me to a firm of 2 attorneys and between 4 and 5 other employees and interns. We also helped two other attorneys get started on their careers and helped students and other employees get work experience that allowed them to move on to other careers.

I’m very proud and thankful for everyone that helped keep us going for the past 5 years. Those that worked in the office, those that supported us, and all of the clients that put their trust in us and that have allowed us to represent them.

I”m also very thankful for my patient and supportive husband who has put up with the long hours and the stress that comes with running a small business.

Guess it’s time to work on the next 5 year plan!

If you would like talk about starting a small business, or if you have any questions about this or any other legal subject, please feel free to give us a call at 757-234-4650 or visit our website at