Beavers Law, P.C.
710 Denbigh Blvd
Suite 2E
Newport News, VA 23608
ph: 757-234-4650
fax: 757-234-4734
Disability law is a combination of several areas of law and focuses on helping those members of our community living with a disability or caring for loved ones with disabilities. At Beavers Law, our attorneys are here to help with the following services:
Public Benefits: Public benefits include Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicare, Medicaid, and Veteran's Aid & Attendance. Our disability law attorneys can help you create a "spend down" plan tailored to your assets and needs for qualification of Medicaid and SSI or provide representation in an appeal of an adverse decision.
Disability Planning: Comprehensive disability planning is should be part of every estate plan, and usually includes durable powers of attorneys to appoint an agent if you are unable to make decisions for yourself and advanced medical directives for your wishes if you are incapacitated. Disability planning may also include creating a special needs or other trust for the management of assets during the grantor's life and after he or she has passed. A disability plan may consider a spend down plan for yourself or a loved one before the need for long-term care is imminent. There is no one-size-fits-all disability plan. Our attorneys are ready to create a specialized plan for your assets and goals.
Reasonable Housing Accommodations: Zoning ordinances and lease restrictions may pose challenges to creating a home that satisfies your needs. The Fair Housing Act outlines those situations in which you have the right to a reasonable accommodation. The attorneys at Beavers Law can assist you with these challenges.
Guardianship and Conservatorship: When someone suffers from a mental disability that renders him or her incapable of making decisions about personal care and finances, the court may appoint someone to make those decisions on his or her behalf. A guardian is a person court appointed to make decisions regarding an incapacitated adult's care. A conservator makes decisions regarding an incapacitated adult's finances. We are ready to help with all aspects of this process.
Nursing Home Discharges and Debt: Sometimes nursing homes attempt to improperly discharge a patient, or threaten discharge if Medicare or Medicaid is improperly denied. Nursing homes may also try to hold a family member responsible for unpaid bills. Our attorneys are prepared to help prevent these situations and assist in problem solving when these situations do arise.
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Serving Yorktown, Seaford, Grafton, Denbigh, Poquoson, Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg and other locations on the Virginia Peninsula.
Beavers Law, P.C.
710 Denbigh Blvd
Suite 2E
Newport News, VA 23608
ph: 757-234-4650
fax: 757-234-4734