Beavers Law, P.C.
710 Denbigh Blvd
Suite 2E
Newport News, VA 23608
ph: 757-234-4650
fax: 757-234-4734
Our current issue answers the question "Do Dads Ever Get Custody?"
Also included: New Sudoku puzzle, Thank You's, and Announcements
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We want to have complete information so that we can update our contact database. However, we will only use the information that you indicate.
Serving Yorktown, Seaford, Grafton, Denbigh, Poquoson, Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg and other locations on the Virginia Peninsula.
Beavers Law, P.C.
710 Denbigh Blvd
Suite 2E
Newport News, VA 23608
ph: 757-234-4650
fax: 757-234-4734